Phew! Made it just in time today to finish a couple of cards for a customer.....she's been waiting for her orders for quite sometime now....huhuhuhu......I was thinking that I could get them done by tomorrow and post them tomorrow instead but since she will be on leave soon, so by hook or by crook I had to get them done today and get them posted. I was worried like God knows what.....coz I was so afraid if I couldn't make it on time for delivery. Luckily for me, God was on my side and I remained calm throughout the whole process and managed to deliver the cards just in time before the post office closes at 5 pm....phew! Thank God!!
Ok! Now lets talk about the design.......this design was a request from my customer for her BF's birthday. She wanted the birthday card to have a Chelsea FC theme and with a pop up of her BF inside......color combination of choice was BLUE and WHITE. But I added some red, silver and black to it and a tiny dash of gold coz those colors exist in the Chelsea FC logo, except for black and silver of course. I tried my level best to make sure that blue and white was the major color for the card.....so the rest of the colors were there to enhance it.
She emailed me a few photos of her BF so that I can use it as a reference for me to do a cartoon character of her BF. I tried my best to make it look as similar as I possibly can. :) I suggested to her that I do her BF wearing a Chelsea FC jersey.....because then it would be more interesting hehehe.....well, I guess it would suit the theme if he wore it in my opinion. ;) I even printed out a teeny weeny Chelsea FC logo and glued it to his blue jersey....can you see it???? hehehehe! I thought that was cute! I just wanted it to look as close as I can to a Chelsea jersey ...so that's why I did that. I even made the soccer ball from white foam and drew the pattern on it to make it look like a soccer ball hehehe.....love that one. I tried to make it look like he was holding the ball close to his body with his arm wrapped around it. Gosh that was hard to do.....I'm still learning about the human anatomy hahahaha......it's pretty hard for me to draw it coz I'm still in the learning process. Hopefully in time I'll be better at this. :)
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