Does this design look familiar to you??? hehehehe! Well! Of course it does because I've just made one the other day that had a similar layout as this one except that the background of the card was black. This card is made for my Mom's friend. She ordered this for her husband's birthday. The background color of this card is metallic bronze. Looks like this color suits the same colors of the heart shapes I made for the black card. I wanted red and white heart shapes to be mixed with dark brown instead but the dark brown paper I had was not as pretty as this one so I choose to do it with this metallic bronze paper instead.
I suppose the most obvious difference in this design is the pop up I made inside the card. I made some changes with the pop up this time. I'm always trying to make it different. But after it was done I realized that the big hearts I pasted on the side of the birthday cake kinda look like it had wings attached to it!! Me and my imagination! LOL! The birthday cake looks like it's going to fly! LOL! The heart shapes were cut freehand by the way.......I just cut them up using my faithful old scissors and carefully arrange them side by side......and made smaller ones and scatter them at the back. Those shiny confetti looking thing scattered together with the hearts are actually made of ribbons that I cut up piece by piece. I really hope she likes it! :)
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