More quilling experiments today! Yay! hehehehe! Today I tried my hand at quilling roses. I tried doing it by just following instructions I see on quilling websites but somehow it didn't turn out right. I wasn't sure what I did matter how many times I did it, I couldn't make it look like the quilling roses I saw online. But since I'm so determined to find out how to do I kept googling more about it.
Finally I found help in Youtube ...... I searched in Youtube for video tutorials on how to make quilled roses.....and luckily there was one that I find quite easy to understand and it was the exact type of rose pattern I was looking for. There were many types of tutorials on how to roses....but there was one particular video that I love the most. So, after several trials....I managed to get it right! I am so happy about it hhehehe! Now I know what I did wrong....hehehe.....LOL!
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