So happy to meet one of my quilling students today, Remy Sunbae. Finally get to give him his mini paper shredder. He is one of the people who ordered the mini paper shredder from me. Since he is currently on a holiday, he is able to meet me and pick up the shredder from me himself. Otherwise he would be extremely busy with year student, you see :).
So many have been asking me to get them this mini paper shredder for a long long time now. I've been searching high and low to get this product for them. Finally I managed to find one that is willing to sell them to me at a small quantity. So many other suppliers are not willing to do so and it's a burden for people like me to buy products such as this in large quantities. So I was really grateful to have found one that suits my needs.
Even though I don't have a lot of stock to sell for everyone but I'm happy that I managed to at least make some people happy with the limited stock that I had. I really hope to be able to help those who are in need of this product as I know how important it is to have it as a quiller. Especially for us quillers who can't afford to buy ready stock quilling paper that are so expensive. This mini paper shredder is a life saver indeed.
Me and Remy asked his brother Nuqman to take a video of me and Remy, while I do a simple demo on how to use the mini paper shredder. I was extremely nervous, I'll bet you can tell just by looking at my facial expression hehe. This is obviously my first time appearing fully on video, as before you could only see my hands in the video tutorials ahahahaha......I was speaking in Malay by the way.....sorry if some readers don't understand what I was saying. I was merely saying that I am showing how to shred the paper using the mini paper shredder. That's all that I said really.....nothing much.....coz I was too nervous to say anything else ahahahaha. I was much too shy for the camera LOL! :D. Perhaps when I have the time someday I can do a proper video on how to use the shredder. Been so busy lately, just don't have the time to do any videos huhuhuhu.....hope to do more in future! ;)
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