Last night I stayed up till 1.00 am experimenting with the quilling technique hehehehe..... It was tough!!! Believe me it was tough at first......the first few tries were a complete waste of paper and I got so upset I threw it all away huhuhu..... :(. I made a mistake at first coz I didn't realize that I'm not suppose to make the width of the strips too big. I thought that it would be easier for me to cut the strips it would be faster for me to cut them that way.....but when I coiled it....I could see that the coils were too high up. I was afraid that if the flower arrangement I made was too high, it won't be able to fit in the envelope. So I cut the strips again and this time I made the width less wider. So that's how you see the coils above are of good height. It's just nice.
I ended up using the tight circle shape (a peg), to make the flowers because the tear drops shape were so difficult for me to do and maintain a standard tear drop shape. Some were a bit too small and some were a bit too big, thus not suitable for making a flower. I think I've recognized my mistakes and will try again today making the tear drop shape. I made the shape of the "eye" or "marquise" for the leaves of the flowers. That one was quite simple to do.....after doing quite a lot of those, I finally understand how to do this technique. Phew!
My fingers hurt too after doing this hahahaha......but I guess I knew it was inevitable because just imagine I have to cut those small paper strips one by one using a razor....if I had a paper shredder, it would be easier and faster...hehehe. A lot of patience needed for this type of technique.....and you have to be the meticulous type as that the paper strips won't get out of shape when you cut them up. I showed my Mom what I did and she just shook her head with astonishment! She said she would never do this type of's too much of work......but then again, so is all the other technique I've done before! LOL! It all involves a lot of work....especially making pop ups......everything is time consuming la Mom! haiyaaaaa......hahahaha......
I'll post later the photos of the cards I made using the coils I did last night hehehe........ the designs I made were extremely simple....but I love it anyways because I MADE IT MYSELF!!! hahahahaha! I'm so silly! LOL!
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