I was really surprised today when I saw a message in my chatbox from Jaja of feltcabin.blogspot.com. She said I won an award and I'm suppose to grab this award at her blog.....Golly! An award?? Thank you so much Jaja for giving this award to me! Appreciate it very much hehehehe! I've never won any award before. So it's nice! ;)
So I quickly went to her blog to check what this award was all about. It was an "Interesting Blog Award" hehehhe....I've never heard of it before.....but it sure does sound interesting. I'm suppose to hand out this award to other fellow bloggers whom I find have blogs that are interesting to me. Hmmmm....that would be hard to pick since I have quite a handful of blogs that I find interesting. But since my favourite number is 4......so I'll just choose my top four most interesting blog. It has to be an active blog as well.....hehehehe. ;)
These are the things that I have to do:
Terms and condition for this award:
- Thank and link the person that give you this award.
- Pass this award to all blogger you've discovered.
- Contacts said blogs and let them know they've won this award.
- State 7 things about yourself.
Condition number 2 ----> DONE!
1. Mangosteenskin
2. Miyyah@Kertas
3. Cupcake craft and Handmade Cards
4. Anis Magic Fingers
Condition number 3 ----> DONE!
Condition number 4 ----> 7 things about myself: DONE!
1. Love comedies....shows that makes me laugh.
2. I love to sing and hum songs when I am crafting.
3. My favourite color is BLUE.
4. Love to cycle in the morning.
5. Addicted to chocolate drinks.
6. I enjoy doing random act of kindness.
7. I smile a lot.....even if there isn't a reason for smiling. :)
OK! All done! heheheheh! That was fun! LOL! ;)
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