If you are just like me......someone who uses a paper shredder to make quilling strips, I'll bet you have a lot of scraps of these quilling strips available from all the shredding. I know I do! Lots of them!! Currently I have 2 garbage bags full of them! haha!
I don't like to throw the good scraps of quilling strips away each time I shred paper. So I keep them in case I have ideas for future projects. The scraps of quilling strips can still be used but they had to be processed first. I had to sort them out one by one and cut out the ends that were not usable and used the good parts of the quilling strips in order to make these flowers you see above.
I just got the idea of how to do it this afternoon and kept on making them because I loved how they looked. Each flower has 2 different colour of quilling paper. Each colour paper were cut the same length and were joined together piece by piece. Although it took a little extra time for me to join each piece of the short quilling strips together to get one long strip of quilling paper, I didn't mind it at all. It was all worth the trouble.
So, after I formed a long strip of quiling paper, I used the combing technique to create these flowers.
The best part of this little project was that I felt good being able to finally reuse the scraps of quilling strips. ;) Waste not, want not ;)
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