Here it is! The birthday card that my customer ordered for her husband's birthday together with the quilled blue flower frame.
Actually if you look at it closely, this design looks familiar right?? Well, that's because it's originally a design I recreated from my old design, V042. In that design, there are only 2 love birds, but in this one, my customer requested that I put a little baby bird in the middle to represent her first born. It's so cute! I rarely make little birdies like that so it was fun to make one that small. For the branch, I decided to make a long one so that I can fit all 3 birds together on it, like one happy family :).
One thing I loved about making this card this time is the fact that it has a new kind of envelope. I saw on YouTube the other day on how to make box envelopes using the scoring board and I'm just super excited about it! hehe! How can I not be excited about it right?? It's super cool that now I can make my very own special envelopes for my quilled cards....something that fits them perfectly, no more worries about whether or not the quilling will spoil the envelope or visa versa etc etc etc....bla bla bla.....yup, no more worries about all that. Problem solved. And of course the envelopes are made using thicker paper too to protect the quilling design. ;)
But still, I prefer to give quilled handmade cards by hand instead of posting them to my loved ones. It's a lot more thrilling to watch their happy reactions when they received the cards from me. Priceless! :)
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